Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's a jungle out there..........

Vines love hot weather and as you can see this volunteer vine is doing well.  It will cover up flowers like the coneflower at the bottom right and eventually will take over the daylilies.  Their foliage is actually good to look at but it does get to be too much when it covers over the entire plant.


Valerie said...

Is that it's proper name, volunteer vine? Hmmm perhaps it needs a volunteer to curb it's path. Love the header, by the way.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a fantastic vine. I love the shape of the flowers and their delicious color. Do you know what this vine is? The heart shaped leaves are really nice too.


The Retired One said...

Gorgeous shot, Larry and I love your header photo too...just stunning!

Martin said...

It may be a jungle, Larry, but what beautiful blooms.

Hospital and Clinic Zone.....