Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The barber shop is gone........

This photo can cause you to have many questions.  This town, Murray, Iowa,  had it's centennial back in 1968.  It makes the town to be around 143 years old.  The original buildings of the early days were all brick.  Somehow the building of the tthree  buildings in a row were structurally connected  so now we have an arch.

To the left was a drugstore and to the right was a hardware store.  The hardware store was transformed into a movie theater in it's last days.  The drugstore was overbuilt by an energetic owner that added a second story and covered up most of the brick.  The owner of the building to the right of the former movie theater must have liked silver enamel paint as it spreads from the theater on down the way to the last building on the corner.


troutbirder said...

Those old buklding do tell a story. :)

Valerie said...

Interesting. I wonder how long the buildings and the arch wall would be left here without graffiti all over it.

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.