Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Red Blaze

I need to move this rose as it isn't getting much sunshine and hasn't bloomed very many blooms. It is a climber and it should be putting out an abundance of blooms.


Anonymous said...

Such a pretty color - reminds me of grandma's roses from my childhood.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ooooh, there's just nothin' more beautiful than a single red rose. I'm kinda of a flower freak and have a whoppin' 38 rose bushes here in the gardens of the Ponderosa. My yard covers an acre.'s and illness I call OCFD (Obsessive Compulsive Flower Disorder) Heeehehe! :o)

Wonderful pic Man.

God bless ya and have an amazin' day!!!

Valerie said...

Spectacular colour. Hope the plant survives the move.
