Sunday, September 18, 2011

Remembering Maine.....

A photo I snapped last year in Maine along the Atlantic coastline.  The colors of the water and rock are so wonderful to see and you can almost hear the ocean while viewing the photo. I must have cropped it to use as a header photo and I don't think that I ever posted it.


Anonymous said...

A very beautiful view, Larry. Very peaceful and relaxing.

Valerie said...

My favourite kind of photo. The two colours go very well together.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the blue is very intense. I really like the white caps on the water. And the variety of shades in the rocks is amazing. Great photo!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! I must aquire a good camera and start the hobby when I retire... down the road. :)

claude said...

Nice place, Larry !

Far Side of Fifty said...

Love the coast line views..I hope to visit there someday..until then I just enjoy your photos:)
