Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can you see me now?

Let's go hunting!!!  I snapped this photo last spring while I was over visiting Mr. Randall.  He wanted me to frame something for him and also to see his peach tree blossoms.  He has many projects going on  all of the time and this one is a different kind of thing.  I don't know if he created it for someone specific or if he just did it for his grandsons.  I like the elaborate set of stairs for an outdoor blind.

I don't know if you remember my past blog but the guy had himself penned in with the wood that he was gluing together and I had to move some major stuff to get him out of his work station.  He was totally blocked in the shop with boards, tables and saws all around him.  It was not a good thing for a guy who shuffles when he walks.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sure he isn't from Minnesota! yes I recall that story:)

Snow Falling Today.....