Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Violets are so great as you can ignore them and it makes them bloom.  I had not watered them for a couple of weeks or more and they thought they were experiencing a drought.  Once watered they give me this kind of response.


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your violets are a pretty color.

I want to thank you for telling me to water mine once a week, as most people over water them and then they croak. I give them about 1/4 c. put into the plate that they are sitting on and the water gets sucked up into the plant. So far that's working and I've got blooms. Do they bloom all year?

Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

Anonymous said...

I have the perfect window for violets but my cats are too wild for them! Yours is just beautiful

claude said...

Beautiful flowers and pretty color, Larry.
I have a green african plant which does not need a lot of water and another exotic one which need a lot. It has big leaves.T

Far Side of Fifty said...

It thought you were going to kill it..so it quickly bloomed:)

Mourning Dove...