Friday, December 30, 2011

Cigar boxes continue......

My father liked to smoke cigars.  He had one in his mouth most all of the day. Many times it was not lighted and by I was in high school he wasn't allowed to light them up in the house. He had smoked cigarettes when I was younger and he really developed a horrible cough from smoking them. He would get up every morning and cough his lungs out for a long period of time.  When he switched to cigars he didn't have that problem. No, I am not promoting the smoking of cigars because you don't develop a cough!

The box that they came in was well decorated and it advertised the King Edward Imperial cigars.  The British red and blue edging really added to the decoration of the yellow fake wood color of the box.  Tomorrow we will see King Edward VII on the inside.

The box that contained William Penn cigars was lacking in good design.  I really don't know where my dad would pick these up but I suspect they were purchased at a grocery store. Tomorrow we will see what I have in my cigar boxes.


Anonymous said...

All the cigar boxes I would beg from the local drug store when I was a kid were like your first one pictured here. I've never seen one like the 2nd one.

Valerie said...

I remember those fake wooden boxes from when my grandfather smoked. They don't make them like they used to.

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