Monday, January 16, 2012

Arched window.....

This is a photo of the old school house we visited in Bar Harbor, Maine two summers ago.  The building was a plain shaped building with a very fancy entrance.  The fluted columns and the palladian window above the door really made it a very fancy decoration for a school building.

Palladio was an Italian architect who created buildings with arches and the half circle window was eventually named a palladian window.

Those who follow me regularly remember that we were there to celebrate the first year anniversary of our son and daughter in law .  They waited to have a reception for their marriage a year after they had married and it was in this building.


Anonymous said...

I love the window. What a great place to hold the reception.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I see you have many wonderful memories connect with this beautiful window!

God bless and have a fantastic week man!!!

Michael and Hanne said...

Now that must be a first, to have a wedding then wait a year for the reception! Lovely photo of the window. I wonder why it reflects brown?

Michael and Hanne said...

Did you mean Palladian window? It doesn't follow the definition anyway...

L. D. said...

Yes I did mean Palladian window. I was in a hurry and just slopped down a spelling that was sort of in the area but really was far off from the real word. I remember seeing the windows in George Washington's house that had these windows and that was the first time I had heard of it being referred to a palladian window.
Blogspot thinks the spelling is wrong but I did look it up to be sure.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Beautiful window:)

Valerie said...

It is a beautiful window. Thank you for explaining how it got it's name. Although I had heard it many times I had never associated it with an actual person. Silly me, I should know better that names don't just appear out of nowhere.

Evening Sky....

 The neighbor's clump birch looks treat in front of the sunset sky of the day. I am sure it was more wonderful with all that foreground ...