Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Artsy expression....

I turned last night and saw a young boy figurine looking out into the room.  The reflections and blur all help to add to the little boy's sadness as he has misspelled a word on his slate.

I lost a key to the school building and was sad.  The thing that is difficult is that they send me everywhere in the building, sometimes hourly, and there is no backtracking to find it.  A janitor picked it up and left it off at the office.  I am not sad anymore.  I am wearing it like a girlie necklace from here on out to solve my problem.


Anonymous said...

That's a sweet figurine.

I don't blame you for hanging on to that key! Have a nice day, Larry.

Valerie said...

Keep it hidden, no-one will ever know.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Now that is one way to solve a key problem! :)

Christine H. said...

I love the effect of the reflection and the blur...and what a cute round belly.

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 I like capturing shots of the old silver maple that is down the street and one over from our place. The sun glow of the sunset turns it int...