Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Guest Photographer

My wife snapped this photo a couple of days ago through our dining room window.  It is really brown out there and the bright spot of a cardinal at the feeder always cheers us up when they land there.


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo!!! Your wonderful wife found an excellent bright spot on a dreary day. Great photo..ya did him proud!

I just love these bright fellas...they often decorate my pine trees in the yard.

God bless ya man, and enjoy your day!!!


Alan Burnett said...

What a beautiful bird Larry : we have nothing half as colourful as that over here. A very happy new year to you and your family my friend.

Hilary said...

A lovely little guy, isn't he? We have 3 to 4 pairs of cardinals hanging about at any given time. They sure do add a splash of colour to the winter. Nicely done, Mrs. Burgus. :)

Michael and Hanne said...

That poor bird is asking for something to eat you guys!
Some feeder! Happy New Year anyway!

Karen said...

I love the sight of cardinals in the winter. Your wife got a great photo!

troutbirder said...

Nothing like a cardinal to brighten a dreary winter day.... Very nice. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am so jealous..we don't get m,any Cardinals here..Della did great..yes it is a bright spot in the brown:)

claude said...

Great shot, Larry ! Cardinal is really a beautiful bird. This year Julia and Larry from SLC sent us a pretty card with a couple of cardinals.

Valerie said...

I wish we had cardinals, they look so pretty.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sight!

Side View

 I saw the bird on the feeder and knew it was larger than the sparrows that are usually on the feeder. The feeder is empty but the mourning ...