Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year.......

The sun is shinning and the raspberry jelly does glow.  We made two  batches of jelly from our refrigerator disaster.  I call it the big thaw.  This batch looks pretty with the floating seeds that didn't get removed by the sieve but the last batch was strained through cheescloth to rid the jelly of the seeds.

Making jelly in the winter is actually more fun as the house is warmed from the boiling jelly and the jars cool down quickly after they have been sealed and boiled.

We have not plans for the day.  It will be a nice time to take it easy and ready ourselves for the new year.

Happy New Year to you all.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty. That tickles me that you call it the big thaw! Have all your appliances been installed now?

Hilary said...

That looks yummy. I love raspberry jelly.

Hilary said...

And Happy New Year to you and yours. :)

Late Afternoon....

 Looking up the street at late afternoon one can see a subtle sunset. The clouds are faint but the color is great.  It is a snow melting day...