Tuesday, January 3, 2012

No snow....

I am not complaining but it has been cold enough around here that we just as well as have snow.  It was 7 degrees F. this morning and the high will be 36 degrees. The only really warm place around here would be at the Botanical Center in Des Moines.  This is an old photo to show you what it would be like if your were visiting there today.


Anonymous said...

Oh that would be a great place to visit. Wow, your weather is cold! Take care.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Come over here to Oz (Australia) we have palms all over and are in summer. Everyone is at the beach, the kids are on Christmas holidays and the fruit is thriving. However, we haven't got many mango's on our tree this year. When the fruit thrives, so do the parrots. A whole flock of screaching lorakeets just flew over. Ray used to love them, now he's taught our dog to chase them off when they come into our yard.LOL BUT.. I want to go back there (U.S.) to visit when it snows, its so pretty.

claude said...

I love your new header.
Over here we have temperature of March. No ice, No snow but a lot of rain. Weather is crazy a little bit.
Have a wonderfull 2012, larry !

Late Afternoon....

 Looking up the street at late afternoon one can see a subtle sunset. The clouds are faint but the color is great.  It is a snow melting day...