Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One dollar box......

While visiting an antique spot near Silver Bay, Minnesota I spotted this box in a pile of  junk.  A rugged looking cardboard sign said "the dollar pile."  When I saw the neat paint effects on the side of this wooden box and the tongue and groove corners I knew that it was coming home with me.  My minimalist Christmas decoration was easy to create with the leftover pine cones and a few Shiny Brites. I think there is a plastic fake red apple in there too.


Hilary said...

That's a great find, Larry and it looks wonderful with the decorations. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

What a great find and a deal.

We have an old kitchen drawer from my parents' very first home that looks similar and John & Larry keep Dad's tools in it.

Karen said...

I love it!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I'm just smitten with the box Man!!! What a great addition the cones and Shinny Brites are.

It's a keeper!!!

God bless ya and have a wonderful day!!!

Valerie said...

One man's junk is another man's treasure. We rarely see tongue and groove these days. Sad.

Alan Burnett said...

Just think of the amount of work that went into the making of that box - I am glad you rescued it and gave it a good home.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hand made..a wonderful find..and I like the decorations in it too:)

Evening Sky....

 The neighbor's clump birch looks treat in front of the sunset sky of the day. I am sure it was more wonderful with all that foreground ...