Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wagging tail of a dog.......

I was taking photos out the dining room window of birds at the feeders.  Button was concerned so I sat him up on the  chair to keep him out from under my feet.  He stayed put but when I went to take his photo he wagged his tail.  A little locomotion going on in a still photo, portrait of the dog.


Anonymous said...

What a great photo of Button and I love that he was wagging his tail!

We have had thunder and heavy rain all day.

Hilary said...

Now that's adorable. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

He is really cute! :)

Valerie said...

I bet that tail was moving quite fast. Our pets do like some attention, don't they.

Daryl said...

I just checked and Webster's has Button's photo next to the definition of Adorable .. over from Hilary's to say well done!

TexWisGirl said...

too sweet! congrats on your POTW!

Out on the prairie said...

A fun shot of a gentle dog, enjoyed its name.

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