Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunshine and it is cold........

Our low last night was 2 degrees, -16 C. but we have now warmed up to 25 degrees F.  The sun shines into the dining room making it to appear a lot warmer outside that it really is.  The wind from the arctic northwest winds makes it s sub temperature reading and if feels like it when you are out in it. I worked outside on my sidewalks for a few minutes and it left me with a headache.  I didn't do much but I needed to address some sidewalk issues.


Michael and Hanne said...

We don't have sidewalk issues! The City cleans them for us!

Anonymous said...

Your dining room window is such a cheerful spot. I meant to say on your other post how good that brownie looked! Hope your headache has improved throughout the day.

Valerie said...

Pretty picture. My cactus isn't doing so well and I don't know why. We had minus minus minus yesterday, it made me feel very tired.

Window View.....

 Hardy Geraniums living the good life inside during the winter weather outside is freezing.