Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday's Spot of Red.........

I have seen two pair of cardinals so far.  I know we had three pair last year but it hasn't been a harsh enough winter to bring them all in from the woods.


LoieJ said...

I'm too far north for cardinals, but I sure enjoy them when I visit my mother in Wisconsin.

laveta'splace said...

Love those cardinals. So sad, we don't have them here.

Anonymous said...

This pic is pretty enough to be a Christmas card, Larry.

At the old house, each Spring, a male cardinal would "fight" with his reflection in the same window!!!

Valerie said...

They're such pretty birds. I wish we had them.

George said...

This is a neat photo of the cardinal. It's a perfect spot of red.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are very lucky to have them..I am jealous..just so you know:)

Candid Camera.....

 A  wreath that is due to come down.  I don't see it usually as it is on the back side of the door. I will disappear soon to storage.