Saturday, March 31, 2012

Flowering Tree.........

I bought this flowering tree on a sale in the fall.  The tag led me to believe that it was a redbud tree.  I bought it the first year that my father in law lived with us, planting it right outside his large window.  It was 2002 and he was able to see it bloom for the next six years after it was planted. I moved two shrubs from the shady part of the house and placed them at the base of it on either side. They are golden privets and they are leafed out well.

I had always wanted a flowering tree and I am really pleased to see how it has matured.  I am including a picture of my neighbor's flowering crabapple that we see on the other side of our property.

We are having cool weather again, which is normal for March weather.  We are still drying out from the rain we received Thursday night. It is too wet for me to mow my yard so maybe Monday after school it will be done.


Michael and Hanne said...

It is so nice to finally see the Spring blossoms!
We are expecting the peach and cherry in about 3 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, colorful trees. I know your FIL enjoyed the blooms each Spring. We had rain yesterday which has helped to wash away some pollen.

Hilary said...

Your tree is so pretty. There's no denying spring when blossoms are in bloom.

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