Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Regal bow...........

The wind is blowing and it is cold again today.  The daffodils seem weary of the wind and start to tip hanging down from all the swaying.


Far Side of Fifty said...

They are so pretty. The wind has been terrible here..better today only 30 MPH:(

George said...

These are beautiful even when they're bowing.

Michael and Hanne said...

A Regal Bow indeed!

claude said...

Your daffodils are very beaituful, Larry. Some of mine have been broken by the wind.

troutbirder said...

35 mph here yesterday. Fortunately the daffodils are just popping up...

Late Afternoon....

 Looking up the street at late afternoon one can see a subtle sunset. The clouds are faint but the color is great.  It is a snow melting day...