Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spring Green Growth..........

The Japanese Yew puts out great color with it's new sprouts of growth.  I have tried to prune them into a shape and I guess I don't know how to do it correctly.  I wanted a globe shape and all I get is a larger shrub.

It is such a nice green and eventually the new growth turns into a darker shiny color.  The rain on Friday night did help make them look greener.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh nice color on the Yew..I have seen some real fancy globes..but I think that they are trimmed every couple weeks in the summer when they are first planted:)

Linda said...

Beautiful...I love green. Thanks for sharing your photos, I really enjoy them.

ScrappySandie said...

Spring green=new growth! One of my favorite things to see! Great photo, Larry!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful.


It is a painting that my wife created of the pottery I made years ago. The pottery was created while taking a college class in which I was t...