Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tom Tom the Neighbor's Cat........

Tom Tom is the name we gave to our neighbor's cat. He is a good friend of ours as he likes to eat from Yellow Kitty's bowl on our side porch.  A gentle cat that puts up with Yellow Kitty growling at him while he eats from her bowl. He is a young cat compare to our 14 or more year old cat.

He is warming himself on the car after we had returned from church.  As you can see Tom Tom is about to have a cat nap. He lets my wife pick him up and I sometimes can pet him.  He is always welcome to visit  and if he is there during feeding time,  he and Yellow Kitty each have a bowl of food.


Anonymous said...

Tom Tom is very handsome. He looks nice and comfy on your car!

Lo said...

Beautiful.....I love orange cats.

♥AMBre said...

Tom Tom looks like mine.
I love cats, they are cool !

claude said...

I had a female cat like Tom Tom.
I know a women who has two cats , mother and daughter. They both have a neighbor cat,a male, and now this woman has three cats.

Valerie said...

Tom Tom is a handsome cat. He obviously likes to share your cat's food.

Architecture with Frosting....