Monday, October 22, 2012

In Case You Had Missed Me......

I am back!

Someone had figured out a way to get into my favorites list and add there blogs into my list.  I could not delete them because I had never selected them. They were not in my main menu of my account. Anyway, right after I had done my blogs this morning, blogspot shut me down. They had recognize that an outsider was working in my account unauthorized.

I had to give them a cell number that would call my voice mail and they gave me a verification number to reset my blogs.  They promised that they would not give out the number but I am not ever going to be sure about that. It was disheartening to read that I had been deleted but fortunately they have a great memory storage area as all is back as it was.

I am glad to be back!


Anonymous said...

That is scary! So happy you are back. I did notice something was going on this afternoon...just thought it was a glitch.

L. D. said...

I changed my password for my google account also.

Christine H. said...

Yikes. The strange things people do.

Gigi Ann said...

That is scary to think they can hack into our accounts, and I wonder why. I have had to change my password three times. I guess it is fun for someone!


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...