Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Fall Sky View........

It was a warm day on Saturday and the wind was blowing.  The clouds above were shifting and changing a lot.  The light was interesting as you can see from the reflection looking to the east.  Beware of the ghost in the photo.  He is a spook.


claude said...

Very interesting shot, Larry ! I love this blue reflection.

Valerie said...

I never did get a viewing ball.... or whatever they call them. Your's is lovely. Plenty are made as water features, but what do I do when I don't want a water feature?

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Great reflection in the gazing ball.

Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Interesting thought in the last paragraph!

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry! What an interesting reflection photo! We had the wind and fst-moving clouds here too. Beautiful!

George said...

This is a neat photo, even with the spook.

Linda said...

Gorgeous reflection shot, Larry!

Cacuts Bloom....

 The cactus is reblooming right now.  I am glad to see it. I try not to over water them and that helps make a desert-like condition for them...