Thursday, November 1, 2012

Christmas Catus......a little early.

I have ignored this plant all year. I watered it very little and left it in the original plastic container in which I bought it.  In the last three weeks I have been seeing buds so I watered it a little more often.  I really was surprised seeing it bloom as I didn't move it out of the light all summer.


Larry said...

Hi Larry... looks like a thanksgiving cactus to me...

"The Truncata Group contains all cultivars with features derived mainly from the species S. truncata: stem segments with pointed teeth; flowers held more or less horizontally, usually above the horizontal, whose upper side is differently shaped from the lower side (zygomorphic); and pollen which is yellow. They generally flower earlier than members of the Buckleyi Group and although common names are not applied consistently may be distinguished as Thanksgiving Cactus, Crab Cactus or Claw Cactus."

There are generally three things, anyone of which , can induce bloom in my experience...
1. dry period
2. cold period
3. 12 hour of total darkness

The Buckleyi group has rounded leaf sections as in Christmas cacti


Hilary said...

A few folks have posted their Christmas cactus in early bloom. I wonder why this year is different. Lovely shot.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty bloom.

Cacuts Bloom....

 The cactus is reblooming right now.  I am glad to see it. I try not to over water them and that helps make a desert-like condition for them...