Thursday, November 15, 2012

Looking Out.........

I posted the reverse photo a few days ago, looking into the window.  My wife's blue collection looks so great in our old leaky old kitchen window. The begonia sits on the counter below.  I salvaged it from the planter when I was bringing in plants for the winter.


claude said...

Beautiful blue collection, Larry !

Valerie said...

Lovely shot, Larry. The scene outside really shows up the blue glass and the flower.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I love this collection of your wifes and the way it looks in the light.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


George said...

This view of the blue glass in the window is just as wonderful as the one outside looking in. The kitchen window may be leaky, but it sure looks homey.

Michael and Hanne said...

I love the BLUE glass! My wife collected PINK!

Hilary said...

I love blue glass. The bottles are beautiful. Fine shot, Larry.

Linda said...

Really lovely, Larry!

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful.

Cacuts Bloom....

 The cactus is reblooming right now.  I am glad to see it. I try not to over water them and that helps make a desert-like condition for them...