Friday, December 21, 2012


It blew hard, snowed hard and it stuck the snow to everything.  We haven't had a good snowstorm for quite some time. Last year we didn't receive much measurable snow all winter.

There was 12 inches of snow and it was very wet.  It was so heavy that it smashed this yew shrub to the ground.  Trees lean and branches broke and took out electric wires.  Today is an 8 degree weather day and it will warm up to 23 degrees with the sun shining.  School was cancelled yesterday and today.


Anonymous said...

Karen and I were concerned about you two after watching your weather yesterday. The snow is pretty but I hope you won't have damage or power outages. Stay safe and Merry Christmas. The Nalley's

Hilary said...

It's a shame about the damage. It otherwise looks so lovely but I'm preferring to see that green grass which still appears outside my window.. for now.

Valerie said...

A winter wonderland... so far nothing like that here in the UK. We have the floods instead. Happy Christmas.

Linda said...

Your photos are fantastic, Larry. We got our blizzard here in Montreal today....snow, and heavy blowing snow.

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.