Sunday, December 30, 2012

Gotta love him.......Barnabas.

Barney watches me shooting photos outside of his backyard fence. He is such a great dog and watches out for us at all times.

This is what we are still looking like outside on Saturday.  We will warm up a little today and some of it will leave, but a colder front is coming in by tomorrow morning.

My neighbor's yard still looks like a blizzard.  Shrubs and trees are still bent over from the frozen snow/ice weight on the branches.

The Austrian pines speak for themselves as what they are experiencing the effects from the blizzard we had on December 19th.


Anonymous said...

I love this pic of Barney. What a sweet face.
The snow photos are very nice. I hope your plants won't suffer damage.
Blessings to you and your family in the new year.

Anonymous said...

Awww...such a sweet dog. Looks like you had quite a blizzard. We received 3 inches last week, but had some blowing and drifting.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Cute how he is looking through the fence. Nice snow the snow on ever greens.
