Monday, December 10, 2012

Struck by the color.....

Sometimes the most mundane thing can be very beautiful.  The colors that I saw as I looked at the birdbath with the contrasting green  stained wooden fence made a striking contrast. One can't see it in the photo but there was a thin glaze of ice over the top of the water.  Today it is 16 degrees F., almost -9 degrees C.  I am sure there is ice on the top now for sure.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty pic. Wow, your temps are so cold.
My niece emailed me her pics from St. Martin last night. The scenery looks so beautiful and the weather seems absolutely perfect.
We have had heavy rain and it has been a very dreary Monday!
Stay warm.

Russell said...

Enjoyed looking at your pictures from 1972. Seems like yesterday to me as that was when I was still close to the farm.

I like the image of the leaves in the water in your birdbath. You are right. Often the most ordinary is the most interesting.

We just need to take the time to see it.

Take care.


Valerie said...

The colour is lovely. Isn't it nice what nature can do? Even ice can be pretty.

The Retired One said...

love that shot too, and your header of the leaves is wonderful.


 Old glass pieces that have no planned arrangement.  I guess it is call a candid shot. It is a lesson in how not to take a photo.  I even cu...