Friday, January 4, 2013

Coffee beans on the mug.

I received three new flavored coffees from my wife at Christmas time and I am just now starting to use them.  Today I received an appreciation gift from a set of special education teachers and with it was a new travel mug and a bag of carmel apple coffee.  It is a good life.

Can you dig the mismatched mug with the dainty English made saucer?  It was handy and I didn't want to put coffee rings on the tablecloth.


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That is one happy coffee mug.

Trying new coffees is fun and enjoyable.

Speaking of coffee, mine is ready to pour the first cup.

FlowerLady Lorraine

Valerie said...

The mug looks as if it holds a LOT of coffee. Never heard of carmel apply coffee.

Anonymous said...

The flavored coffees sound delicious. That is one of the few things we are NOT giving up!!!
Love the new mug and I can't help but think of the music Shaft - Can You Dig it!!!!! Dig that dainty saucer with the mug!

George said...

My wife would definitely agree that any saucer is preferable to coffee rings. I really like your new mug, and the coffee sounds delicious.

claude said...

I'am drinking a caramel cappuccino in an american mug from Wendover in Nevada (Red Carter Casino) I put on a paper beer coaster from Germany.
You new mug is very beautiful. Enjoy the new flavored coffees.


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