Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Colorless Wednesday.........

I am back to showing another black and white that I created from my color snaps.  The coal car is actually backwards to the engine as the shoveling of the coal came from the short end of the bunker and the coal was banked up against the high end.  My Uncle Cecil was a fireman on the trains when they actually shoveled coal and when they changed to diesel the position was still called fireman. It meant he was the assistant to the engineer.  Needless to say, the poor guy lost his hearing from working on the train for most of his life. My Aunt Bertha would just smile and say don't bother talking to the old guy he won't hear you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very nice photo, Larry. Sad how many jobs from the past cost folks their hearing, sight etc.

Red and Green....