Friday, February 1, 2013

Cold, snow and hunger........

It is colder this morning than yesterday morning.  We are now at -6 degrees F. but it is warming up.  Right now it is only -5 degrees.  It has been said that it will get up to 20 degrees this morning and that will be great. The weekend is predicted to actually be warmer than that.

I lost a squirrel last summer so I am down to this one.  He was out getting filled up early morning hoping that the dogs would not see him there filling his cheeks with seed.  I really don't mind him as long as he doesn't eat the whole batch at one sitting.  This one has a stub tail from some accident and lives in our big silver maple tree.  The neighbor lady announced she had one at her house so I guess the guy is going from place to place to see who has the best supply.


donna said...

One squirrel? We have more than enough in our yard to populate a small town.

I like what you say in the header about having the need to document the world around you. Me, too. A strong need to chronicle everything with photos.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

claude said...

Like the birds,, the squirrel are cold and hungry.
Nice capture, Larry !

Valerie said...

We have two squirrels... both greedy, both eating everything in sight. Poor birds have to be up early to beat them to the food.

A Cold Moon.....