Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just For Show........

I was experimenting with a couple of settings that my wife discovered on the camera.  One setting is used to do indoor photography. It seems to open the shutter more to let in light.

I also was doing an experiment with arranging the three objects into a still life.  One formal setting and the bottom one informal.  I tried to balance the visual weight of the white stoneware bowl with the off center wooded croquett ball.  When I placed the ball to the left it created a diagonal visual line so I moved it to the right.  It sort of anchored the two, ball and bowl as a counter balance to the off center blue bowl.


The Retired One said...

I love playing with the lighting in manual mode in my camera too and find I don't play enough with the aperture only setting or shutter only setting...good to read that manual every 6 mos. or so and do some playing again!

Martin said...

I really like that second composition, Larry.

Valerie said...

I like the last one, with the ball inside the blue bowl. Not sure why, but it appealed more to my eye.

Alan Burnett said...

Just the kind of experiment with lighting that we did in a photographic course I attended decades ago. In this age of click and shoot, I suspect not enough time is given over to such experiments, which is a pity because they can teach us a lot about light.

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