Thursday, February 7, 2013


When I was editing the photo, I noticed a couple of things.  The male cockatiel was singing to me and that caused a little bit of a blur and that he is turning so he looks like he only has one foot.  He does have two feet.

The audience in the background is his mom and dad watching while I snap the shot.  Jack Sparrow and Canola produced five young ones in two nestings in less than a year. I gave a pair of them away and still have two males and one female of their offspring.


George said...

This is a neat picture with the audience in the background.

Valerie said...

I am envious because I once had a white cockatiel. Oh I do miss my pets.

troutbirder said...

Interesting. And your header photo reminds me of my similar looking 027 gauge...:)

Antique Acorn.....