Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You lost me......

I am sorry that I messed up all of your links to my sites.  I made a decision to fix my blog addresses.  I had stupidly incorporated my full name in the web address of two of my blogs.  I have one other that I need to fix but I hate to loose the large group of followers.

Apparently all is still working ok.  I changed my web address and blogger made the correction without stopping you from finding me. So never mind!!!!!
Once you have opened my blog you need to create a new bookmark if that is how you get to my blog.  Otherwise you need to stay on my blog and renew your follow button on my site by clicking follow and reset to the new address.

Below it the Creative Zone  blog if you choose to follow it again.  Just click on it and it will bring you to the site and then renew your follow button by hitting follow.

Larry's Creative Zone

Painting by my wife Della

I wouldn't blame you to stop following me for messing things up so greatly but if you do decided to refollow me thanks.

ps.  I am getting comments that people are finding me with the changed address.  I guess it took blogger a while to correct the address thing but it is still working,  I am so glad that I didn't lose any of you.


lark said...

The site came up when I clicked on it just the same as usual. The kitten is adorable, did you paint it?

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry, I'm not sure what you mean...I am still following without any problems. But thanks for the warning! The kitty cat is nicely done!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice kitty painting! Seems you were hardly lost at all..
Now if you go into your settings you can make your blog area a little bit larger..there is a slider thingy you can use to make it a bit larger..and everything will fit better:)

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Such a pretty kitten, it is beautifully done by Della.

Valerie said...

Don't you just hate technology when it goes wrong? I have you in my blog roll and got here without any trouble. I will check to see if I am still a follower.

Valerie said...

No problem, Larry, according to Google I am still a follower. Bless!


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...