Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cedar Waxwings......

I saw my first robin on Monday, out digging in the snow.  Later I saw him out my side porch door window sitting in the juniper bush eating berries.  While going for the camera I came back to look out and see five or more birds flocking to the same juniper bush.  It was a flock of cedar waxwings.  We never see them in town.  I know of people who go to the river east of here and they see them in the summer but this was a rare sight. I am not sure that they may be actually migrating north.

I don't like to use up my really good pictures all in one day but I need to share this other shot to go with the theme.  It is a beautiful bird. When I see photos of them in birder magazines they are eating on berries of all kinds.  I suppose that is why they are flocking to eat the bluish berries from my juniper bush.


Kathy said...

Nice! For some reason that first picture reminds me of Jesse Ventura. He has that look. LOL

Glennis said...

Very pretty birds and very good photos of them.

Far Side of Fifty said...

That last photo is stunning!!! Love it! I see them in the summer when the wild raspberries are ripe:)

Karen said...

I don't recall ever seeing these birds. They are truly beautiful.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The face masks and wing colorings are so striking on cedar waxwings but I haven't seen any around the feeders here or in the bushes either.

George said...

These are beautiful photos. I'm glad you were able to get these wonderful pictures. I especially like this second one.

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry! Hey, congrats on the 1st grandbaby!! How exciting!
These pictures of the cedar waxwings are wonderful! What beautiful birds! We don't get them here very often.

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous. I remember the first time I saw these birds. They were devouring the berries from mama's pyracantha bushes.

Seadonal Remnant....