Thursday, March 21, 2013

Color on a spring day......inside.

I purchased this geranium as a seed plant and it has lived a couple of years for me.  I bought it more for the color of the foliage but the pink flowers are nice too.  I see that the dead flowers are still laying in the soil.  The were in bloom when I brought them in the fall and one like myself is too lazy to take the spent buds to the waste basket.

We are  being promised warm weather in April.  I do think that is a given as by then the earth has titled enough to compensate for an erratic jet stream.  I will be snowing south of us to day for a change.  We are to be clear for the next two days for sure but Sunday looks like our day of weather with moisture.


claude said...

Over here, sprinf is most beautiful inside than outside.

Anonymous said...

The light showing thru the leaves is nice. It's good to see green!

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...