Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pop Art Orchids......

An archived photo that I had taken when I once was growing an orchid.  The photoshop program allowed me to create a modern composition similar to an Andy Warhol poster.  

I saw a garden show today in which the viewers were encouraged to grow them.  I wanted to believe them that they are easy to grow but the people were standing in an outdoor green house, part slat house in Florida.  I would like to try it again some time but I don't think that my house in the winter could ever keep them alive.


Linda said...

Hi Larry, this is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I am adding you to my list of blogs that I read. :)

Valerie said...

Love the Andy Warhol style picture. The colours are great. I used to keep these orchids but never tried growing from new. They're easy to keep going once established though.

Anonymous said...

j'aime bien ces différents filtres

Let’s Climb a Tree!

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