Sunday, March 3, 2013

Returning to the old days......

Another set of pictures from my photo shoot of my model cars.  This is a classic as far as car design goes.  I believe it is a 1932 Ford.

I think it is interesting to see the front bumper design on this car.  It is said to be form follows function.  The bumper design on this vehicle really is a plain looking matter of fact thing.  I have seen old movies where they would run these cars in to trees or other cars and the would come to a sudden stop.


troutbirder said...

I think my grandpa had one that looked a lot like that...;)

Alan Burnett said...

It always seems strange to me that models these days don't seem to aim for perfect representation of what is but for exaggeration of what might be - thus we have plastic space rockets and not die cast cars.

Mourning Dove.....

 It is cold and the dove chose to just sit on the feeder.  It is a place out of the wind chilled air.