Saturday, March 9, 2013


One of my wife's figures in her collection seems to look like a fairy that might just bring us spring. Yes, I know, probably that isn't going to happen. Lots of rain for a couple of days and snow will follow the next two days in our neighborhood.


Karen said...

What a sweet face! I enjoy your other blogs, too, especially the Refined Collection!

Anonymous said...

You and your wife both have such wonderful collections. This is such a delicate figurine. I think we are all eager for Spring!
Karen passed along your thoughtfulness re our friend, Mary. We are very thankful for your prayers.

Linda said...

How beautiful, Larry! What an angelic face!

claude said...

Hello Larry !
Beautiful angel.
Glad of your comment because I lost your blog.
Have a nice Sunday.
A lot of rain over here too.

Mourning Dove.....

 It is cold and the dove chose to just sit on the feeder.  It is a place out of the wind chilled air.