Monday, April 8, 2013

A Spring Sky......

The buds on the trees are just barely visible and the grass started to turn green a little yesterday.  The sky and the light is a dead giveaway that we are through with winter.  We have some snow that may fall on Thursday but it won't stay on the ground for very long.

Our rain last night was more like a sprinkle and there isn't going to be more for a couple of days. The redwing black birds continue to migrate north as yesterday another large amount of them were in the trees doing their calls, many of them at the same time.  We are suppose to get up to 75 degrees today which means we jump from furnace weather to air conditioning days very quickly.  We won't run the air but it will warm up the house on its own today.

We were crossing the mile long bridge on Saturday across Lake Saylorville looking for pelicans.  There were none, but there were swans out there.  They were about 15 or more sitting in a cove trying to feed or low underwater grasses.  They won't stay around for very long but it was nice to see them.  The bridge is mistakenly called the mile high bridge sometimes when it actually is a mile long and sits about 4 to 5 stories above the water level of the lake.


Anonymous said...

I love this vivid blue sky, Larry. I know the warmer temps will be welcomed by you and your pets!

troutbirder said...

We're still waiting for a real warmup. I did see both swans and pelicans flying north up the Mississippi yesterday...:)

claude said...

Not here.
Yesterday it was rain almost all the day long and we had a strong hailstorm.
