Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ditch Lilies........

Nothing keeps these field lilies from coming up in the spring.  They are tough, the spread, they even seem to crowd themselves out.   One can see them along the roads where old farmsteads were as well as along roads where the construction of the road helped to spread the tubers. It is nice to see green out there in the back yard again. In another month there will be blooms.

I would post an archived photos but someone out there would confuse it as being a bloom of today.  I will just show you the present condition of the plants.


troutbirder said...

The daylilies spread to ditches near old farmsteads here as well. And I love that river birch. They aren't common here in our lakeless mostly tiled county but in the Mississippi valley I can see them everywhere...:)

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have green stuff..good for you! I love those old ditch lilies that will grow anywhere:)

Chipmunk Frenzy....

 He is busy filling his jowls with cracked corn. I know there are other seeds there that he likes but I have never really seen one pick up c...