Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rocky Friends......

A rock collection given to me by a friend who spends his summers at his home in Minnesota is laying out to dry.  I had the collection in a rock garden arrangement with plants and now I am about to regroup them into a different display.  Two of the rocks are shiny agatized rocks and one looks like it is made of granite.  The standing rock has me a lot curious about it's origin.

The standing rock has a perfectly flat end on it as if it had been a grinding stone for native American Indians.  It did come from around Duluth, Minnesota where my friend said that a tribe lived in the area of his home.  I don't know why I had never noticed before how the rock fits so perfectly in one's hand and yes it could have been used as a grinding tool.


troutbirder said...

It could be very well. My friend Mr. Science collects Indian artifacts...

claude said...

We have the same ones, Larry in a garden arrangment. My husband likes stones.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It could be an early tool..we have lots of them at the museum. I find all those early tools very interesting:)


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