Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Iowa State Tulip.......

This tulip pops up every year in a rough section of my hedge and it looks like a small spot  among the rubble. Fortunately the zoom lets me bring in the bloom  from over the fence and makes it look like I have a wonderful garden full of flowers.

Deception is the key to having a garden blog when you gardens looks so bad.  I have a couple of bulbs of this variety planted elsewhere but they are not as fully in bloom as this one.  I have an old high school friend who sees pictures of my flowers on facebook and she keeps asking to bring a bus full of people for a tour of my gardens.  I get a laugh from that request off and on through the years.


Anonymous said...

That is a great tulip. Flowers have a way of growing best in the most difficult places! I remember about 4 houses ago, John invited some folks from work to see the garden and the day they came there was absolutely NOTHING blooming!

troutbirder said...

I can relate. Hilarious, Larry...;)

Old Iris Variety…..

 I collected on rhizome from an old cemetery and many years later I have three plantings of it. It is very hardy. For some reason a painting...