Monday, August 12, 2013

The Landing Pad.......

While trying to take this photo a viceroy butterfly landed on the leaf for about one second and left.  It was a beautiful yellow and black butterfly and flew up the the street not planning apparently to return.  If I had planted zinnias this year the butterfly would have landed and stayed there for awhile.  I have not seen any other large butterflies this year.  Maybe the monarch will fly through in September.  It has been a bad year for plants and butterflies.


Valerie said...

That's interesting, I was only saying yesterday that there have been more butterflies this year. Mind you, we don't have the exotic ones where I live ... a red admiral is our most colourful.

Anonymous said...

A friend gave me a butterfly bush in April. Lack of sun has prevented it from blooming much and I've only seen a handful of butterflies.

lark said...

Very pretty! I did not know that butterflies like zinnias. I will have to plant some next year. I saw some fancy ones when I went for a walk the other day, they were red and white striped....kind of looked like peppermint candy.

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.