Monday, September 23, 2013

A Bowl Full.............

An elderly man rode his hover craft chair over to our house yesterday afternoon to give us these peaches.  They are small but I think we will juice them and turn them into jelly.  We don't get cherries anymore from our trees and I think this will be a fast way to get jelly.  We juice things on one day and put it in the fridge for the making of the product later.  A lot of these are still green so I will have to sort them and work with them a batch at a time.


Anonymous said...

That's quite a lot! Grandma's biscuits sure were good with peach jelly.

Linda said...

That was very kind of him. I am certain you can put good use to them.

claude said...

Wow ! My mother in law gave me some. I eat them with sugar and vanilla.
Very yummy !

Karen said...

I loved the homemade jams and preserves when I was a child. That will be a treat this winter.

The Moon Shots.......

 My first early shot picked up some of the color. I don't manually adjust my camera so I don't get that orange ball.  This is the mo...