Saturday, September 28, 2013


I find it necessary to go with where things are and realize I can't change much outside.  The sun is in the west.  The cat is resting in the sun staying warm.  The cat sits that way because the sun is bright in his eyes. If I were to try and turn the cat around he would just walk around and want to be petted.  I just went ahead and took the shot hoping it might turn out good.  It did turn out good as it created great shadow textures on all the green leaves and the shadow of the cat draws your eye into the picture.

Tiny Tim lives in our yard most of the time and he never did move from this position as I walk all around in the orchard area.  You can see that the  one rain of less than a inch really did green things up out there.  I need to mow the yard now as all that dead looking grass has come back to life.


Anonymous said...

He's a handsome cat and I love the photo. I've learned with cats, to just go ahead and take the photo. They get mad and walk away if you try to "pose" them!

Patsy said...

Makes me miss our cat!

Valerie said...

I like every aspect of this picture and bravo Tiny Tim for sticking to his guns... grins.

Karen said...

Great photo!

Anonymous said...

well done, great photo. your kitty is SO cute!

Mourning Dove...