Monday, September 9, 2013

It is time to spruce up............

I really don't know how long I have had my garden shed.  I do know that it is getting weathered looking and a molding pieces has fallen and must be laying on the ground.  A new paint job will be nice, next spring, and the cupalo needs to be removed and reworked.  I built the cupalo inside the house while the shed was being built.  The shop boys built the major structure and I did the detailed work. 


Anonymous said...

I am envious!!!! I have always wanted a garden shed (or a play house when I was a child!!!) I love the window, what's on the sill and the molding. We just bought a quart of paint for our exterior front door. We were shocked at the price of a QUART! Our excuse is that we are waiting on cooler weather before painting.

L. D. said...

I posted this a day early and I am just going to leave it right where it is, a day early. I have shelves in the windows with collections of old glass things, found objects and a kerosene lantern. The lantern should be brought into the house.

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry~ Nice to hear from you again! I love this photo of the window with the collection of old objects displayed inside and the weathered wood outside...lots to study and enjoy!

Valerie said...

It looks good now, so it will be interesting to see it when painted and done-up. Trying to guess if you will have a colour or leave it white.

L. D. said...

The shed actually had a stain that was a peach color with white trim. I have waited too long to paint it but sometimes it has to look like the dumps before you address the problem.

Linda said...

Wonderful, Larry! I love the window and the display!
