Monday, September 2, 2013

Signs of Fall.......

I was mowing the yard on Thursday and looked up at the birch noticing no color change of its leaves.  By Saturday the change took place.  It was like overnight that the leaves of the birch changed to yellow. It is one of the trees that changes first in the fall.  It also drops it leaves so quickly once it starts, with the leaves looking like dive bombers dropping from the sky.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo. Our leaves have begun to fall and the cats love watching them float to the ground!

Patsy said...

Has it been dry there? sometimes that makes the leaves change early.
We are looking forward to our Oct glory maple to change color. the stems look a little redder than they were.

Karen said...

Yes, I saw some fall color yesterday in the park in KC. September is here!


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...