Monday, October 21, 2013

Apples and Pear............

It is cold out there today.  My thermometer said it was 33 degrees F.  One degree above freezing could mean that it was colder as the house holds some heat to cause it not to be accurate.  I will know for sure as I watch to see plants being frost bit and the extra fruit on the trees turns brown.


lark said...

This is such a lovely fall photo!

Anonymous said...

What a fun photo.

Linda said...

Those fruits look lovely and good, Larry!

Valerie said...

Gosh you've got cold weather early, haven't you? Or is that normal for your part of the world. Hope that fruit survived!

Alan Burnett said...

For years now, my weather here in Yorkshire has followed yours with remarkable accuracy. You get it, then two or three weeks later I get it. I therefore need to get my winter clothes ready.
