Friday, October 11, 2013

Minnesota Memories......

The glaciers brought down many rocks from the north during the ice age and they are everywhere in some of our county next to the Loess hills near here.  Our Loess hills are gently rolling hills compared to the ones along the Missouri River where bluffs have been created.

These rocks came to my backyard from the many adventures my wife and I have taken in our past along the northern shores of Minnesota.  The water actions of Lake Superior continually rub the rocks together creating a smoother rock.  Who knows how long it takes the lake to make them like this but most shorelines have rocks that look like this.  When I look at these rocks I can imagine the lapping of the water on the shores.


Patsy said...

And the sound of lapping water is so soothing.

Anonymous said...

I like the rocks. I'm sure they bring pleasant memories, too.

Linda said...

I agree with Patsy on the sound of lapping water being so soothing. Very pretty, Larry!

Valerie said...

Interesting write-up on the rocks. I too have a collection of rocks that bring back memories and yes I swear I can hear the water when I look at them.


 As I drive out in the morning heading south I see a cloud formation trying to cover the sun. I shot it through a dirty car window so there ...