Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Porch Day..........

When I added this to the front of my house I was putting on another layer of architecture onto this 108 year old farmhouse.  The original porch was an open porch and I had never seen that.  The previous owners put storm windows all around the sides of the porch so it became a closed in porch.  The present owner, me, took out the windows leveled the floor and added it on to the house as a bump out for the living room with a small closet and and a downstairs bathroom. 

It never looked very good having the porch turned into an addition with only one window on the end.  I couldn't put windows into it as I added a fireplace and a bathroom against those walls. Nine years ago I added a colonial or Victorian looking porch. It has changed the look of the whole house. It is now an old farmhouse with a fancy bay window and a fancy porch.


Anonymous said...

I love your home and the gardens. It is just lovely.

Hilary said...

What a lovely old-style addition it makes. Well done.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

It looks charming.

Valerie said...

How marvellous that you can do all those things. I am impressed.

Informal Planting.

 Peonies crowd the iris as the gardener’s placement of flowers seems haphazard.